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music 'with spirit' 

The piano and music theory teaching studio of Erin Coffey since 1995.

B.A. Honours, Registered Music Teacher (ORMTA),

RCM Piano Pedagogy Certificate,

RCM Certified Teacher Piano & Music Theory

In-person and virtual lessons to anywhere in the world!



Hi! Music has always been an important part of my life, whether it was singing in children's choir, piano studies as a child, playing cello in strings class, teaching, or continuing learning as an adult.

I have taught piano and theory since 1995 and have submitted over 900 students for RCM Exams! I particularly enjoy teaching Advanced Theory and working with the students of many accomplished colleagues is a privilege.


My favorite part of teaching music is variety – from fun with young beginners to coaching University students, every day is different.


After many years of attending theatre productions at the Festival, we moved to Stratford in September 2021! I teach part-time from my home studio and work part-time for a faith-based non-profit organization. Making time for accompanying, playing the piano for worship at church, and being with family and friends is important to me.

The transition to Zoom and other virtual lesson platforms has been an opportunity to create excellent systems for future lessons! I currently have distance students enrolled from different parts of Ontario and Asia - opening new doors for music lessons to cross borders and new ways to provide excellence in piano and music theory lessons.

Find my studio on:

RCM Teacher Directory

ORMTA Teacher Directory (the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association)

Stratford Music Teachers

Home: About



Piano and Music Theory lessons show us that the love of music is never canceled!

Contact me to meet to book a trial lesson and talk about how lessons work in my studio.

Weekly lessons are scheduled from Monday to Thursday.

Lessons run from September to early June following the school calendar and students enroll for the full school year.

Summer lessons are available on a more casual basis.

Happy New Year - Jan 2025 the studio is full, contact me to put your name on the waiting list.

Online/Hybrid Group Theory

Summer 2025 Level 9 History mid-May to mid-August (zoom/hybrid in person)

Fall 2025 Group Theory - Level 9 & 10 Harmony Sept-May (tbd)

Winter 2025 Level 10 Harmony Jan-May (Monday 5-6:30), late enrolment open until Feb10

The Ontario Ministry of Education allows students to miss up to one-half day of school per week for music instruction.

Girl Playing Beginner Piano


Beginner to Level 10

in-person Stratford and KW

Composing Music


Beginner to ARCT Diploma Level

Online/hybrid private and group classes for Harmony, History, and Analysis

Students in Music Room


Gather your friends & learn together. All classes are hybrid/online so you can learn from home!
Ask about summer theory intensives.

Home: Services


It is important to share our music


Piano lessons can be a lonely solitary activity. Students are encouraged to be creative and to bring new music ideas to lessons.


Students are encouraged to participate in:

  • local Kiwanis Music Festival Competitions (April)

  • RCM Examinations and goal-setting

  • Christmas/Winter Recital in December

  • Year-End Celebration Recital in June

  • other Recitals and community events

Congratulations to Brinley Schmale 2021 KW Kiwanis Music Festival Junior piano scholarship winner and Provincial delegate.

Enjoy a playlist of some of my favorite Christmas pieces

Erin's Music

Recital 2022 teacher performances!

Duets by Johannes Brahms with colleague Roselynn Reed.

Hungarian Dance No5 in f minor & Hungarian Dance No 6 in Db Major

Duets with student 'B' Spanish Dance No 1 & 2 by Moszkowski

Recital 2023 special performances!

Duet with student 'B' Spanish Dance No 3 by Moszkowski

Quartet with students 'B & W' and W's Dad March Militaire by Schubert

Piano Concert Hall
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Home: Gallery


The Studio is centrally located in the town of Stratford.
Serving Stratford, St. Mary's, Mitchell, and surrounding areas for in-person lessons.

My KW studio is located near Ottawa & Weber in Kitchener with limited teaching hours.

Serving the musical community worldwide for Advanced Theory virtual lessons


Thanks for submitting!

Home: Contact
Erin ORMTA trio 2019

Erin ORMTA trio 2019

1920s restored Heintzman grand

1920s restored Heintzman grand

1980s Yamaha upright

1980s Yamaha upright

The studio

The studio

Welcome to ConBrio Music

Welcome! Can you spot Leo (Leopold Mozart) waiting for you? Leo is a Bichon Frise born Sept 2021.

Waiting room

Waiting room

Virtual recital gift bags 2021

Virtual recital gift bags 2021

2016-01-22 Erin Recital Gareth

2016 Recital

2020 Zoom lessons

2020 Zoom lessons in the old studio

Chording for worship

Chording for worship

From Students & Parents

Dec 2020 - 'P' has enjoyed her harmony lessons quite a bit.  Thank you for the lessons which she found positive and engaging.  The time has flown by absolutely 😊

June 2022 - 'E' had such a good first recital experience he wanted to play his song 100 more times before bed tonight. I'm guessing he enjoyed himself!! ;)

July 2022 - Thank you so much for spending extra time with 'I' to prepare for her harmony exam. Really appreciate it!

Home: Testimonial
Home: Video

Con Brio Music

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©2025 by Erin Coffey - Con Brio Music

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